Sig Sauer P229 Legion Compact 9mm - Optics Ready - Gray - Dance's Sporting Goods

Sig Sauer P229 Legion Compact 9mm - Optics Ready - Gray

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The Legion P229 is finished in a Cerakote® Elite Legion gray coating, custom G-10 grips with a Legion medallion, the new SIG SAUER Electro-Optics X-RAY high visibility day/night sights and will ship with three magazines. The P229 in DA/SA include a reduced and contoured Elite beavertail, which allows for a higher grip, but a reduced profile, thus eliminating printing. More aggressive front strap checkering and additional checkering under the trigger guard enhance the grip. An X-Five undercut has been applied to the trigger guard, allowing for a higher grip and greater control. Front cocking serrations provide greater purchase for cycling the action, clearing the firearm, or conducting press checks. The pistol is available in 9 mm and also features low profile decocking and slide catch levers to reduce the risk of snagging. An enhanced polished action with the SRT (Short-Reset Trigger) is augmented with a Grayguns, Inc. designed P-SAIT trigger. In addition, a solid steel guide rod adds weight where it matters most.